Originally published May 21, 2020 on JTTB.
I haven’t read the New York Times article on Call Her Daddy. I find it disrespectful for the Grey Lady to publish an obituary despite never bestowing press on CHD in life. In fact, during its meteoric rise to the top of the comedy podcasts, Call Her Daddy barely got coverage outside of college blogs. A flail of a New York Post article (which spawned a back-and-forth between author and subjects) was the only noteworthy piece. Compare this to the prestige pub salivation over “the dirtbag left” and “weird Catholic Twitter” and whatever the NYT, NYMag, and New Yorker deem “the new punk” this week. But this should come as no surprise; capital-M Media gives airtime to its own friends and frenemies while real American culture brews in the background. It’s only fair CHD gets an in vivo look before it officially collapses.